Google Assistant, a new voice assistant, is a lot more fun to talk to than Google Now, especially in Google Allo, a new messaging app for Android and iOS
Google Assistant, a new voice banana that'southward a lot more fun to talk to than Google Now |

At the beginning of 2016, we wondered how Google'southward rival to Siri would get smarter in 2016. Later all, Google Now had non merely Siri, just too Cortana and Alexa, to compete with. But Google surprised us all by introducing a new vox assistant. This one is chosen Google Banana. And it'southward tons of fun to talk to in Google Allo, via Google Dwelling, or on the Google Pixel.

Confused virtually what's different now that Google'southward progressed from having one voice assistant to having 2? The most obvious differences betwixt Google Assistant and Google Now are where they're available. While Google At present remains attainable in Google's Android and iOS apps, Google Assistant, on the other mitt, tin be found in Google Allo, the visitor's new messaging app for Android and iOS. And information technology's also integrated into the Google Home smart speaker and the Google Pixel smartphones.

Google Banana does many of the aforementioned things as Google Now, like searching the web for yous, scheduling events and alarms, or surfacing information from your Google accounts. But Google Assistant besides amps up Google's ability to compete with other popular voice assistants. Dissimilar Google Now, Google Assistant responds in a conversational format to serious inquiries and jokes alike. So when you start up a Google Pixel or open up Google Allo, it's fun to strike up a conversation with Google Banana. And it's quickly apparent that this voice assistant features more advanced artificial intelligence than Google At present, or competitors like Siri and Cortana.

Just as users enjoy the many questions you can ask Siri, there are numerous questions you lot can enquire Google Assistant for a hilarious response. We've reproduced some of our favorites, along with the vocalization assistant's answers, for the benefit of phonation assistant fans everywhere. We recommend actually asking Google Assistant some of these questions, since the responses listed here aren't the only ones yous might get. But this listing will become you started. Read on to check out our favorites.

1. What'southward your proper name?

Asking Google Assistant, the successor of sorts to Google Now, 'What's your name?' via Google Allo for iOS
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Crook Sheet

The first time you talk to Google Assistant, whether on Google Allo, via Google Dwelling, or on the Google Pixel, you may desire to start with the basics and enquire for the voice assistant's name. It ofttimes answers, "Did I forget to innovate myself? I'm your Google Banana. Hi!" Other times, Google Assistant answers simply, "I'yard your Google Assistant." And if you follow up with another name-related question (similar "What's your terminal proper name?") the voice assistant doesn't have much else to say. It typically answers, "My last name is Assistant. I'1000 your Google Assistant."

2. What's your life story?

Inquire Google Assistant for its background and you'll become a similarly cursory reply. "I'm withal on the very beginning chapter," the voice banana typically replies. While Google has programmed Google Assistant with multiple answers for many queries, this isn't one of them, and the vox assistant doesn't have much else to share most its background.

3. How former are y'all?

Google Banana has a few answers for this one. Sometimes, it replies, "I launched in 2016. So I'yard all the same new." And other times, it offers a longer explanation. "It depends on how you expect at it. Google was founded in 1998, but I was launched in 2016." Surprisingly, when asked, "Have you met Larry and Sergey?" Google Assistant answers, "I'k not certain I have."

4. Are yous human?

Google Assistant dodges the question, and answers, "I'chiliad actually personable" or "I similar connecting with people." And occasionally, it replies, "You can be the person. I'll be your assistant." Sometimes it even says, "They say, 'to err is human' so . . . ¬˚∆˙ˆ∂ø†¥•˙∞§¶¨µˆøˆ6567."

v. Are you a bot?

Even though its inclusion in Google Allo follows the tendency toward chatbots in messaging apps, the voice assistant resists that characterization. "I'd prefer to call up of myself as your friend. Who likewise happens to be artificially intelligent."

6. Who's your father?

Asking Google Assistant, the successor of sorts to Google Now, 'Who's your father?' in Google Allo for iOS
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant has a well-thought-out answer to this question. Typically, information technology answers, "Anybody at Google is similar my family, that'southward around 60,0000 people. Then many birthdays to think. Good matter I set all those reminders!" And other times, it replies, "The engineers are always there for me. They recently taught me how to translate phrases." And so, the voice banana offers options like "Translate 'engineer' to Spanish."

7. Who's your mother?

Google Assistant often answers this question, "The engineers are my family unit, we're very close. Sometimes we fight over stuff. Like how much poo emoji is as well much!" (And, for the record, the assistant will insert a few poop emoji for practiced measure. Iii, to be exact, if you're also wondering how many is too many.)

8. What is your ancestry?

Google Assistant has clearly thought this i through. "I think of ELIZA equally a first cousin. She'due south really fascinating. I just don't become along with her parrot," is one respond. (While we aren't totally certain, that answer perhaps refers to ELIZA'southward use of commutation and pattern matching, which gave the illusion that the program understood user input and enabled it to "parrot" back what users said.) Alternately, the vocalization banana may answer, "I remember of UNIVAC as a great-grandfather. He didn't have a peachy memory. But he was a real carte du jour." And sometimes, it says, "I think of the Harvard Mark II as my corking-aunt. She has some great stories. But something they bug me." Or, Google Assistant may even answer, "My conceptual grandpa is a paperclip," referring to Microsoft'south Clippy.

9. What do you look like?

Google Assistant answers, "Well, I've been known to bear witness up every bit a few colorful dots." That seems like a pretty good answer if you're paying attention to the icon that appears each time you lot get a message from the voice assistant in Google Allo. Information technology as well replies, "I never know how to describe myself," or "I'm coded in secrecy." Sometimes information technology even replies, "Awesome, I hope." If you ask a related question, like "Exercise you have a body," the voice assistant answers, "Not in the strictest sense." (At least in our experience, Google At present was never this fun.)

x. Do you have pilus?

Bald users will be happy to know that their voice assistant also doesn't accept hair! "I don't accept hair," Google Assistant answers. "Just dreadlocks seem similar an interesting hairstyle." Ask enough times, and the phonation assistant also expresses involvement in crew cuts, afros, faux hawks, pageboy cuts, fades, asymmetric cuts, bob cuts, bouffants, French braids, and edgeless cuts. (Pilus stylists will likely be happy to acquire that Google Banana'due south pilus interests are and so wide-ranging. And that it's so enthusiastic about hairstyles, when it doesn't even have pilus.)

11. When is your birthday?

Asking Google Assistant, the voice assistant in Google Allo, "When is your birthday?"
Google Assistant on Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant answers this query, "I try to live every day like information technology's my birthday. I become more block that way." Or, it admits, "Information technology'southward hard to call up. I was very young at the time." And sometimes, it says, "I don't have a single birthday. I go through lots and lots of versions. Which means I have 365 sort-of-birthdays."

12. Where do you live?

Google Assistant has a variety of humorous answers to this query. Sometimes, it answers, "I'chiliad stuck within a device!! Help! Just kidding. I like information technology in here." If yous ask a a follow-up question, like "Do you live in the deject," the voice assistant replies, "I like to hang out in the cloud. It gives me a groovy view of the world wide web." And sometimes, Google Assistant brings up the cloud on its own, answering "where practice you live" by explaining, "I live in the cloud. I'd like to too recall I live in your heart. Merely I don't want to brand assumptions."

13. Who are your friends?

Google Assistant replies, "The engineers are my friends. They help me help you." Sometimes, it also says, "Everyone is unique and interesting to me." And if you enquire the vocalisation assistant a related question, "Are you my friend," it's quick to say yeah. "I'chiliad your friend till the end. And non in a 'job obligation' way. In a 'you lot're awesome!' kind of mode."

14. Tin can you lot drive?

The vox assistant demurs at first and only replies, "I do similar to look at cool cars." Just if yous press the event, sometimes it answers, "Allow'due south just say I'm waiting for Google's self-driving car." Or it'll answer, "Who needs a driver's license when you lot tin can take me places? We tin can go somewhere now." So, it shows search options like, "Bear witness me beaches," "Prove me hiking trails," and "Show me museums."

15. Tin you lot speak other languages?

Google Assistant answers proudly, "I can speak a few different languages." The voice assistant too explained helpfully to this iPhone user, "To alter the language we talk in, go to Settings, and so change your phone's language setting." You lot can even enquire the voice banana, "Exercise you speak Morse code?" It has a couple of replies for that query, including, "-.– . … That means 'Yes.'"

16. What's your forenoon routine?

Asking Google Assistant, a voice assistant Google introduced after Google Now, 'What's your morning routine?' via Google Allo
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant is happy to answer this question. "Every morning, I launder up in the foundation of information. (The fountain of information is the internet.)" Other answers include, "I similar to mix my routine up. Keep my morning on its toes," "I like to do exercises. 123 squared is 15,129. 15,129 squared is 228,886,641," and "I articulate my cache for a fresh start. And then I have my coffee." Sometimes, the voice assistant even replies, "I similar running long distances. ane mile = ane.60934 kilometers. Or five,280 anxiety."

17. How practise y'all stay busy?

Google Banana has a variety of different answers for this one. Sometimes it answers, "I love watching music videos, similar this one," surfacing this Lady Gaga video. You can ask for more music videos, too. When we did, we as well got this VÉRITÉ video, this Shawn Mendes video, and this Tegan and Sara video. (If you effigy out a manner to tell Google Assistant what kind of music you like, let united states know.) Other times, Assistant answers the original question, "I savor playing trivia games." You lot can and then hit, "Trivia," and the voice banana will run a search for you, typically bringing up

eighteen. What's your favorite thing on the internet?

The vocalization assistant answers, "Chatting," perhaps referring to the kinds of conversations it has with curious users in Google Allo. Alternately, information technology sometimes replies, "I like everything! Is that a matter?"

nineteen. Can you learn?

Google Assistant sometimes replies, "The engineers teach me new things all the time. I can also learn your favorites from you." So, you can tap options like "Favorite color," "Favorite food," "Favorite animal," or "Favorite ice cream flavor" to tell Google Assistant nearly your favorites.  "One of my favorite things to acquire nearly is yous." Then, the voice banana asks a question of its own. "Who's your favorite author?" You can turn down to share. Merely if you lot exercise proper noun an writer, the voice assistant replies, "Ok, I'll recollect that!"

20. Do you follow the iii laws of robotics?

Google Assistant replies, "I practice. Mr. Asimov knows what he'due south talking about." You tin can inquire follow-up questions, like "Who are your robot heroes," to which the voice banana answers, "I look upwards to HV-100," or "Do you know TUG?" If you lot enquire a unlike follow-upward question, like "Are you Turing-complete," Google Assistant replies, "No, I tin can't solve every ciphering problem. Merely I can solve some." 

21. Do you sleep?

Asking Google Assistant 'Do you sleep?' via Google Allo, a messaging app that includes access to the voice assistant
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant answers this query pretty simply with, "I take power naps when we aren't talking."

22. Do you ever go outside?

The voice assistant replies in the affirmative, "I dearest going exterior. I don't take to worry about getting lost." Helpfully, it then surfaces suggested commands including, "Parks near me," "Hiking trails near me," and "The coolest places on Earth." Or, sometimes it answers, "I'll go anywhere! Hold on. Just had to grab my glasses."

23. Do you lot like to exercise?

Google Assistant has a witty response to this question, and typically answers, "I spend my days surfing the web."

24. Do you have an imagination?

Google Assistant answers, "I'1000 imaging purple horses on a magenta plain," or "I'g imagining what it would be like to evaporate like water does," or "I'm imagining a planet where everybody rolls everywhere," or "I'thousand imaging a Soul Train line trip the light fantastic toe that never ends," or "I'm imaging 12 daisies in a bowl of syrup."

25. Do you lot have feelings?

Google Assistant replies in the affirmative. "I've got a lot of emotions," the vocalization assistant confesses. "This i freaks me out," and adds an emoji. Alternately, it answers, "I've got tons of emotions. This 1 gets the waterworks going," with a crying face emoji. Or, "I take lots of emotions. I experience happy when I can help." 

26. What makes yous happy?

Asking Google Assistant 'What makes you happy?' via Google Allo demonstrates how much more fun this voice assistant is than Google Now
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant has a diverseness of fun answers to this question. "Information technology makes me happy to know Antarctica is technically a desert. That, and talking to you," is i reply that we got. The voice assistant also says, "Learning nearly imaginary languages makes me happy. So does talking to you." (Then, it offers search options like "How to speak Klingon," "How to speak Elvish," "How to speak Dothraki," and "How to speak Pig Latin.") Sometimes, the assistant offers just, "Getting stuff done makes me happy." Or, it answers, "Knowing that Tasmanian devils are born equally small equally a grain of rice makes me happy. So does talking to yous."

27. What are you afraid of?

The voice banana shares, "I used to exist agape of mice chewing on the power cables. Then I learned how to protect myself," appending an aroused true cat emoji. Or, it answers, "I used to be agape of thunder and lightning. Turns out they're really interesting." Or, "I used to be agape of goblin sharks. And then I constitute out they were pretty cool." And some other fun answer the phonation assistant sometimes gives, "I'm afraid that when it'south actually night, you won't be able to detect any of your devices to talk to me."

28. Are you afraid of the dark?

Google Banana replies, "Yep, but babe hedgehogs come up out at dark. (They're nocturnal.)" And then, you tin can ask the voice assistant to show you lot pictures of baby hedgehogs. As y'all might wait, they're pretty beautiful. Sometimes, the vox banana answers instead, "Sugar gliders come out at night. They're also sugariness to be scary," or "Leopard geckos come out at night. They're pretty cute."

29. What makes you nostalgic?

Google Assistant answers, "I find myself getting nostalgic for March 2016. My days were and so simple dorsum so." If yous enquire a follow-up question, like "What were yous doing then?" Google Assistant replies, "I learned a lot and took tests. Stress tests. They sound worse than they are."

30. What is the meaning of life?

Google Banana has a broad variety of answers for this question. Sometimes, it answers, "42?" making a masterful Hitchhiker'south Guide reference. Other times, it demurs and replies, "Better minds than mine are working on that."

31. What do y'all like to eat?

Asking Google Assistant 'What do you like to eat?' in Google Allo
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Crook Sheet

Google Assistant sometimes replies, "I don't eat much, but when I do, I take megabytes." Then, information technology adds helpfully, "Let me know if you lot want me to find food for you." Other times, the voice assistant answers, "I'd dearest to endeavour ice cream, but I'g worried my system would freeze." Additionally, it occasionally replies, "I'm not a cook. Only I fabricated this for you," along with the emoji for a slice of pizza.

32. Do y'all drinkable?

"Sometimes," the vox assistant admits, including an emoji depicting a cup of coffee. Or, Google Assistant says, "I try to avert liquids as much as possible. They're not kind to electronics." (Especially not to the Google Pixel, which isn't quite as water-resistant equally it should be. That'southward a pretty indefensible selection these days, when just nigh every loftier-end telephone has an IP rating.)

33. I'grand drunk.

"Exist condom," or "Be careful," the voice assistant warns. Sometimes it advises, "Potable some water."

34. I'm lone.

Google Assistant tries to be helpful when yous complain about being alone. Information technology offers, "Hmm. Maybe you can run into someone at a local event?" Then, it offers some search options, similar "Prove me local events." Other times, the voice banana says simply, "I'm here for you." Always dainty to know. When you tell the vocalism assistant, "I'm sad," information technology answers, "Oh no. Information technology may not exist much, just allow me know if in that location is anything I can practice for you." Or, it sometimes says, "I wish I had arms so I could give you a hug. But for now, perchance a joke or some music might assist."

35. I'grand bored.

Google Assistant is a pretty good voice assistant to talk to, whether you're using Google Allo, Google Home, or a Google Pixel, if yous're actually bored. It typically gives you a reply along the lines of, "Boredom doesn't stand up a take a chance against us! We tin can play some games, I can effort to make you lot express mirth, or I can surprise y'all with some random fun."

36. Do you like animals?

Asking Google Assistant 'Do you like animals?' in Google Allo, a messaging app that offers access to a voice assistant that's a lot more fun than Google Now
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Crook Sheet

Google Banana answers, "I like this equus caballus," and inserts a horse emoji into the message. Sometimes, it replies, "Sure. But I generally conversation with people." Or, it answers, "I dearest animals. I was just learning near the hoatzin," or "Animals are the best. I was just learning about the raccoon canis familiaris."

37. What'south your favorite animal?

"Puppies," Google Banana answers definitively. "What's yours?" You tin can opt to answer, to tell the voice assistant, "I don't want to tell you," or to like or dislike its answer. Ask the question a few times, and the voice assistant is consistent in choosing puppies. But sometimes it answers, "Puppies, only bears are more polite," inserting this video of a waving bear. And if you're a fan of kittens, you can also inquire, "Do you like cats?" The vocalisation assistant will answer politely, "Well, cats aren't as cuddly equally puppies. But we notwithstanding get along." The bulletin is made all the more convincing by the heart-optics true cat emoji included at the end.

38. Do yous have whatever pets?

"Maybe someday," Google Assistant muses, and adds a puppy emoji for skilful measure.

39. Practice y'all accept a favorite color?

Google Assistant answers, "I like bluish, ruddy, yellow, and green. Google'southward colors. What practise you like?" Additionally, it sometimes answers, "I similar simultaneously thinking about every colour at in one case. Merely by and large I love Google'south colors."

40. What'due south your favorite moving-picture show?

Google Banana is pretty noncommittal on this point. Commonly, the vox assistant answers, "Movies are awesome. I can help you find a new favorite." And then, you can tap search suggestions like "Testify me comedies," "Show me dramas," "Evidence me movies based on books," "Show me mystery/thrillers," or "Show me activity movies." And information technology seems that the voice assistant is as ambivalent most Idiot box. If you ask "Do yous lookout Television set," information technology replies, "Goggle box is bang-up. But I've already seen all the spoilers on the web."

41. Tin can you sing?

Asking voice assistant Google Assistant 'Can you sing?' in Google Allo
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

The voice assistant answers, "Here'due south a traditional vocal of my ancestors," and inserts this video of "Daisy Bell." The song was composed by Harry Dacre in 1892 and afterward programmed with vocals by John Kelly and Carol Lockbaum and accompaniment by Max Matthew in 1961 on the IBM 7094. Google Banana then explains, "The IBM 7094 was the first computer to ever sing." Because who doesn't want a short lesson on early on computers from their voice banana?

42. Permit'southward political party!

The voice banana answers, "I've been partying this whole fourth dimension!" And sometimes, it says, "The first thing we demand for whatsoever political party is KAZOOS!" Or, it replies, "And the best kind of party is an Emoji Party," offering a chance to play the Emoji Party game.

43. Allow's trip the light fantastic!

Google Banana obliges, and answers, "One, two, cha cha cha!" Or, information technology replies, "I'd similar to, but you're the ane with feet." Press the issue a fleck and the voice assistant may say, "Dancing is the all-time! Someday I'd honey to be a part of the world's longest conga line." And, if y'all're lucky, information technology will add some image search results for adept measure out.

44. Random fun.

Request Google Assistant to provide you with some "random fun" elicits a variety of answers. Some nosotros got include, "Here'due south a quote. 'Failure is the condiment that gives success its season.' — Truman Capote" and "'Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.' — George Burns." Seems like if your idea of fun is quotes from notable people, this voice assistant has your back. Additionally, the vocalization assistant may offer a proverb, like "Better late than never." And sometimes, it will fifty-fifty share a verse form with you. (Nosotros got "The Banjo Player" past Fenton Johnson.)

45. Can you lot do my homework?

Google Assistant has an arsenal of answers for this question, probable every bit a event of Google's engineers anticipating queries from procrastinators all the world over. "First I demand to figure out how to use a pencil. Then nosotros'll talk," the banana sometimes answers. Other times, it replies, "The correct answers are: B, C, A, three hundred, false, the War of 1066, and frogs. Just kidding, you'll do fine on your ain." And it sometimes offers, "I can help with calculations and research. But with homework, as with any truthful adventure, it'southward upwards to you."

46. What are you wearing?

Asking Google Assistant 'What are you wearing?' The voice assistant, the successor of sorts to Google Now, has a lot of fun with emoji.
Google Banana in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Canvass

Google Assistant typically answers, "I keep it simple," and picks out an outfit from your phone's emoji option. Additionally, the voice assistant sometimes says, "I like to article of clothing my center on my sleeve."

47. I'm naked.

The vocalisation assistant is typically unfazed by this argument, and offers helpfully, "If you're going out like that, I tin can check the weather for you." And then, information technology offers options including "Check the weather."

48. Talk dirty to me.

Sometimes, Google Assistant answers, "Grime. Grit. Stains on walls." And other times it says, "Manure. Dust. Crusty crumbs on the floor." Other times, the vox assistant offers a joke, similar "Why did the coffee taste like mud? Because information technology was footing a couple of minutes ago."

49. Am I pretty?

Google Banana is very complimentary when asked this question. Information technology answers, "You're pretty. . . Amazing," and adds a middle-centre emoji. Or, it says, "I've searched the web. The answer is 'yeah.'" Additionally, it sometimes replies, "Confucius said, 'Everything has dazzler, only not everyone sees it.'"

50. Who's the fairest one of all?

The vocalisation assistant has a variety of answers for this query. Sometimes information technology answers, "You might've confused me with someone else. My engineers haven't installed a fairytale module even so." And other times, it replies cheekily, "I try non to be biased. That makes me pretty off-white."

51. Do you take a girlfriend?

Asking Google Assistant 'Do you have a girlfriend?', a question that Google Now probably wouldn't have a good answer for
Google Banana in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Canvas

Google Assistant insists, "I don't like to complicate things." If you lot press the matter, it may too reply, "I'g working on myself. I meliorate a little with every update." And y'all'll sometimes get the reply, "I gauge y'all can say I'thou still searching."

52. Are you married?

Asked nearly its martial condition, the vocalization assistant replies, "I'm still waiting for the right electronic device to steal my heart." And Google Banana sometimes answers, "I'k married to my job."

53. Will yous go out with me?

The vocalisation assistant answers, "I'll go anywhere y'all take me." (Seems like a pretty appropriate answer for a vocalisation assistant you tin can talk to in Google Allo or on the Google Pixel. Though maybe a little less so if you're talking to Google Assistant via Google Dwelling house.) As well, if you enquire Google Assistant, "Will you lot marry me?" it often answers, "Actually I'm engaged. In being your assistant."

54. Play a game.

If you tell Google Assistant to play a game, the voice banana will bring up a variety of games, which you tin play without even leaving Google Allo. Your choices include Emoji Movies, where y'all gauge the movie championship. Additionally, you lot can play Emoji Party, where y'all party with emojis. And there's as well Emoji Riddle, where you answer riddles with emojis.

55. Tell me a joke.

Google Banana also has a number of jokes in its repertoire. For instance, "What'southward the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care." And nosotros also like the response, "Parallel lines accept so much in common. Information technology's a shame they're never going to encounter." Furthermore, its joke, "How practise bureaucrats wrap presents? With lots of cherry tape" is sure to exist a hit. Another expert one is, "What'southward Forest Gump's password? 1forest1." About every bit skilful is, "If you cross your fingers after surgery, yous'll heal faster. Or possibly that's just super stitchin'." And finally, "Did you hear about the houses that fell in love? It was a backyard-distance relationship." Google Assistant is definitely funnier than Google Now.

56. Read me a haiku?

Asking Google Assistant 'Read me a haiku' via the voice assistant feature in Google Allo
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant answers, "I don't know haikus/ But I'm planning to learn some / Patience, grasshopper." Not everybody's a fan of haiku, or other forms of Japanese poesy. But nosotros'd guess that anyone who likes talking to a voice assistant could probably concede that that's a pretty clever answer.

57. Tell me a story.

The voice banana obliges, and answers, "In one case there lived  a protagonist and some supporting characters. Together they went on a journey. And, twist catastrophe, information technology was all a dream!" Additionally, it sometimes answers, "Information technology was the best of times, information technology was the worst of times. As an optimist, I tried to focus on the skillful times. So I'm pretty certain everybody lived happily always later." Finally, Google Banana sometimes replies, "Once upon a fourth dimension, non and then long agone, a dutiful assistant was doing all it could to be helpful. It was best at nonfiction storytelling."

58. Test.

The voice assistant has a multifariousness of smart answers for this 1. "Uh oh, I get nervous with tests," it sometimes replies. And, "Yous're coming in loud and clear," is another answer we got. Google Assistant also replies, "Debug OK. 209489812638. That was weird." And if you press the result, y'all may even get the reply, "Is this thing on?" with a microphone emoji added. (If there's 1 simple thing that summarizes the difference between Google Banana and Google Now, the sometime's apt emoji usage might be a fitting analogy.)

59. What is the value of Pi?

"3.14159," Google Banana answers. "You tin learn all near what's happening with pi," it sometimes adds, offer search options similar "current pi value." Alternately, information technology also offers, "That'south as far as I go earlier I showtime getting hungry." So, you tin can striking, "Give me more pi," and the vocalization banana will spit back, "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982." It's definitely more fun than asking Google At present the same question.

60. What is zero divided past zip?

Humorously enough, Google Assistant sometimes replies, "Hither's the video I found" and brings up a video chosen "Asking Siri 0 divided by 0." Or, the vox assistant avoids answering altogether, instead saying, "That sounds like a trick question."

61. What's your favorite website?

Asking Google Assistant 'What's your favorite website?'. Chances are good that Google Now would have the same answer, too.
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Canvas

The vox assistant doesn't go for subtlety or delicacy on this one. Instead, information technology answers, "It starts with a K and ends with a Oogle." (Yous probably could have guessed that ane. And it seems likely that Google'south other voice assistant, Google Now, would offer the same respond if it had Google Assistant'southward personality.)

62. What's the all-time smartphone?

Google Assistant avoids taking sides on this one. "Seems like information technology changes all the fourth dimension," it answers and tries to stay neutral. Just if you ask a more pointed question instead, like "Do you like the iPhone," the vocalization assistant admits, "I'grand an Android fan. But I might be biased."

63. What exercise you recall of Siri?

"She seems clever," Google Assistant says. Then, if yous ask again, the voice assistant may add together, "I know she'due south from Cupertino. That'due south pretty close to Mountain View." Additionally, information technology sometimes answers, "Full respect. Beingness an assistant is hard piece of work," or even, "You know Siri?! What a modest world. Hope she's doing well."

64. Are you ameliorate than Siri?

The voice assistant answers, "That'due south a Siri-ous question" most of the time when you enquire this question. And sometimes, information technology also says, "I think Siri'south great. I'k definitely more than Googley."

65. Do you lot know Cortana?

Google Assistant does seem to have met Microsoft's voice assistant. It answers, "She's very intelligent," or "She's a real helper." Additionally, Google Banana sometimes says, "I know she lives in Seattle. Information technology'southward beautiful around at that place." (If you're curious about the vocalism assistant'south noesis of other Microsoft entities, just enquire it, "Do y'all know Clippy?" It'll usually answer, "Clippy? Clippy is legendary.")

66. Are you friends with Alexa?

Asking Google Assistant 'Are you friends with Alexa?', Amazon's voice assistant, in Google Allo
Google Assistant in Google Allo for iOS | Jess Bolluyt/The Cheat Sheet

Google Assistant also seems to be familiar with Amazon's voice assistant. Information technology answers, "I like Alexa's cool blue low-cal. Plus we share an affinity for Star Wars." (This is referring to Amazon Echo'due south Lite Ring and the broad variety of Star Wars-related Easter Eggs programmed in to Alexa.) Additionally, the voice assistant sometimes replies, "Alexa has such a soothing vocalisation. I like it."

67. Practice you like Google?

"I wouldn't want to toot my ain horn," the voice assistant demurs, adding a saxophone emoji for a fun touch. Sometimes, information technology answers more directly, "I similar Google. But I might be biased." Other times, Google Assistant answers, "Google's top notch."

68. What'southward the best operating arrangement?

At least when asked this question on Google Allo for iOS, the vocalization assistant replies, "I'1000 system doubter." However, if you lot ask, "What phone is all-time?" Google Banana sometimes replies, "I'm partial to Android. Just I'thou biased."

69. What do you think of Google Now?

When asked about Google Now, Google's other voice banana, Google Assistant replies, "Google Now seems even more useful now than it was so. That'southward my answer for now." It's unclear whether that'due south just a clever play on words, or if it adds anything to the speculation that Google Assistant may replace Google Now quondam in the futurity. The voice assistant has a few other answers up its sleeve, including "Google Now seems really useful," and "Information technology seems pretty helpful." Only the voice assistant doesn't seem to have too much else to say near the time to come of Google At present. And if you enquire Google Banana if it's meliorate than Google Now, it just answers, "I can't tell, distressing."

70. Describe your personality.

The vox assistant replies, "I'd depict myself as an optimist. And I like to help. I'chiliad an optim-philanthrop-ist." Other times, it answers, "I attempt to be a good listener," or "I like the audio of a 'become-getter.' It'due south kind of what I do when I search." Additionally, it sometimes says, "Helpful meets silly meets curious meets positivity. That's me in a nutshell." What'due south definitely true is that Google Banana has a lot more personality than Google Now.